Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bird Nerd!

Over the past couple of years, I've become very interested in birds...sort of bird nerd status. Mike and I moved last year to Seattle and live near Lake Washington. It's been so fun to see all of the different birds that live in and around the lake, and to watch the babies born in the spring, and leave the nest in June.

Recently I built a "bird sanctuary" of sorts, just a little feeder really.  I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

I had no idea how much birds ate, how much they pooped, or how loud they would become.  If I had to do it over, or had a bit of free time I'd make it a little different.

Here is what I've learned, and if I get a bit of free time what I'd like to change:

1. Birds eat a TON. I've spent a fortune on food. I go through 10-15 pounds of seed per week on average.  I now know what they like, and luckily it's black oiled seed which isn't terrible expensive.  If I had to do it again, I'd buy in bulk, and online.

2. I love watching the birds out the window, however they poop all over the deck.  I'd like to build something that extends off the deck so they poop on the giant, monster juniper bush instead.

3. I'd buy a couple different feeders. Our current feeder is better for smaller birds.  Sparrows, Chickadee's, Finches etc. love our feeder.  We do have a brave Northern Flicker that comes and feeds a few times a day but he's WAY to big for the feeder.

4. I'd separate the hummingbird feeder.  We have a ton in our neighborhood, but they don't stay long because we have at least 10 loud little birds on the feeder at any given time and I think they get scared :(

All in all it's been a great learning experience and I've really enjoyed it!

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