So Marcie and I are in Singapore for work, and it's spectacular! Here are 10 things I've learned in the past couple days that makes Singapore interesting...I'm sure we'll discover more in the next 5 days we are here onsite!
1. TV shows start on the 15's not on the hour or 30's.
2. Their cats are huge. Regular domestic cats are gigantic here in Singapore.
3. The downtown is built entirely on fill. SCARY SHERRY.
4. Hotel room bathrooms do not have regular outlets that you can even use an adapter with-only shaving outlets which...only take shavers.
5. This is a service town. There is a service for everything. I can't even walk to the elevator by myself, push the button myself, let alone go to the bathroom without someone propping the door open for me. I could get used to this :)
6. We have discovered that we do not like real Chinese food. We thought we did, but we don't. We tried and failed...BUT-the Indian food has been out of this world AMAZING.
7. You thought Bellevue had a lot of cranes-well Singapore has more cranes in a mile than all of Washington state combined I swear.
8. MALLS-there are a ton of malls. There must be as many malls in Singapore as there are Starbucks in Seattle.
9. Scuba-Scuba Diving here actually occurs in an Aquarium. You physically scuba dive in a giant aquarium like at Sea World. There are sharks, dolphins, fish, turtles, rays etc. Marcie and I are going to check it out this weekend!
10. Karaoke-omg. If you like karaoke then you need to come to Singapore because it's pretty much the thing to do. I heard an interesting version of "Total Eclipse of the Heart" followed by a rousing round of "Footloose."
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